Chattanooga Symphony & Opera
General Operating Support
General Operating Support
The Ed Johnson Memorial
Glass Farm Neighborhood Pride Campaign
String Theory Community Outreach Project
Disrupting the Pattern of Crisis in Children and Families
Summer Lunch Program – to provide a nutritious lunch for 350 – 400 children during the summer.
School Mobile Pantry Program at Clifton Hills Elementary
Operation Get Active Youth Soccer Program
Intervention, Prevention, and Clinical Services
Hamilton County Title I Elementary Education Program
Camp College
Community Schools Program
Educating the Provider: Regional LARC Symposium
CCETN – The Home Place
Offering provision and stability to hungry, homeless and vulnerable individuals.
Neighborhood Development in Glass Farms and Surrounding East Chattanooga
Housing Stability Project
The Emergency Direct Assistance Program
Building Family Connections
Funds will be used to operate the clinic for two weeks while providing medical care for a minimum of 220 patient visits
Training Leaders: Cultivating Mental Health Advocacy
When a Mountain Transforms Lives, Inspires Change: Partnership with At-Risk at The Howard School
New Sanctuary and fellowship hall