The Lillian L. Colby Foundation strives to impact the Greater Chattanooga region by advancing education and economic mobility, with special emphasis on the marginalized.

View of the Walnut Street Bridge over the Tennessee River in Chattanooga

The Colby Foundation places priority on innovative programs, projects and organizations that have a meaningful impact on the unmet needs of underserved children, adults and families in the greater Chattanooga area.

We encourage programs that are addressing the root causes of poor outcomes in the Foundation’s interest areas:


  • Programs that break the cycle of poverty
  • Early childhood through post-secondary education
  • Mentoring

(Note: Support for individuals is excluded)


  • Community-based
  • Preventative
  • Health Equity

Community Needs

  • Homelessness
  • Hunger and food insecurity
  • Other acute needs

We seek to encourage collaboration among nonprofit organizations, funders, public initiatives and leaders. Our directors attend site visits and hear presentations from nonprofits by invitation only. The Lillian L. Colby Foundation provides operating and program/project support. Generally, we will not make grants to support capital projects and campaigns; nor will the Foundation make grants to individuals.

How to Apply

The Foundation uses an online application with deadlines February 1 and August 1 annual. Applicants should review our guidelines and restrictions before applying.