Chattanooga Symphony & Opera
General Operating Support
General Operating Support
Magic Markers
Prevention and Intervention Services
Kitchen facility renovation/Bathhouse renovation
Hamilton County Title 1 Education Program
Girls Inc.’s Elementary Afterschool Programming
Pathways to Learning Scholarships for Little Miss Mag Early Learning Center
Lookout Mountain Conservancy Intern and Leadership Program
Miracle Field Sports Complex Capital Project
Transformation Through Technology: Maximizing the Potential of Students with Learning Differences
Urban League Academic Enrichment Program
Building on the Momentum
To create the AIM Center Literacy Program to combat limited literacy among mentally ill adults.
Neighborhood Pet Partnership
Food and Shelter for the Homeless
General Operating
Expansion of early childhood education services
Emergency Housing Support Program
The Emergency Direct Assistance Program
Family Connections Supervised Visitation Center is committed to providing safe visitations and exchanges for the sake of our families and community
The Chattanooga Salvation Army Social Services and FEAST (Family Enrichment and Strength Training) Program
Funds will be used to operate the clinic for one week while providing medical care for a minimum of 110 patient visits.
1. Capital Updates 2. Operations 3. Programs: For help with hiring and paying the salary of a part time music director ($15,000), regrade and pave parking lot ($11,574), and on-going program needs ($30,500)