About Us

View of the Walnut Street Bridge
The Lillian L. Colby Charitable Foundation strives to impact the greater Chattanooga region by advancing education and economic mobility, with special emphasis on the marginalized. The Colby Foundation will accomplish this work through collaborative, proactive grantmaking.
The mission of the Lillian L. Colby Charitable Foundation is to strengthen the greater Chattanooga region by supporting effective, well-led organizations and innovative programs that enhance opportunities for underserved children and adults. Special consideration will be given to organizations named in Mrs. Colby’s Trust Agreement.

Our values


Mrs. Colby established the Foundation to aid the poor, homeless, hungry, battered or otherwise in need of assistance. We continue this noble effort with compassion for the marginalized in our community.

Individual Empowerment

We value programs and projects that empower citizens to contribute economically and intellectually to our community and to live meaningful lives. We value organizations that empower innovative leaders to address root causes and strengthen the community.


Community is at the heart of everything we do. Our board strives to be a reflection of the breadth and diversity of our community and engages with members and leaders of the community to promote systemic change in the greater Chattanooga area.

The Lillian Colby Foundation does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, gender identity or expression, religion, national origin, political or union affiliation, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or any other protected status recognized by local, state or federal law. Grant applicants must hold similar standards. Grant applications from organizations known to have discriminatory policies will not be considered.

View of the Tennessee River winding through the mountains

Our Board of Directors

  • Catherine Colby Chair
  • Kathleen Hunt Vice Chair
  • Daisy Maurya Ballard Secretary
  • Stefanie Crowe Treasurer
  • Heather DeGaetano
  • Dwayne Marshall
  • Henrietta Morris

Our Staff

  • Marisa Ogles Foundation and Grants Manager

Marisa recently joined The Lillian L. Colby Foundation team to help provide back office support to the Board and also to serve as the primary Foundation contact for grant applicants.

She can be reached at: info@lilliancolby.org with any questions.